3/4tspmint extractMake sure it's mint extract, NOT peppermint extract!
15-20dropsgreen gel food coloring
1cupheavy whipping cream
2tbspgranulated sugar
1tspvanilla extract
green dusting sugar, for garnish
maraschino cherry, for garnish
fresh mint, for garnish
First, make the whipped cream. To the bowl of a stand mixer, add the heavy whipping cream and whisk on high speed. As it starts to thicken, slowly stream in the granulated sugar, followed by the vanilla. Continue to whip until stiff peaks form, and set aside. It will only be sitting for a few minutes while you make the milkshake.
To make the milkshakes, add the ice cream, milk, mint extract, and food coloring to a large blender. If you don't have a large enough blender, split it up between two. Blend together until thick and smooth, and add any food coloring you need to adjust the color.
Once done, pour into serving glasses, and either pipe or spoon the whipped cream over top, and garnish with dusting sugar, cherry, and mint sprig.