In a large mixing bowl, whisk together both sugars, flour, salt, and spices.
In a smaller bowl or large measuring cup, beat together the eggs, pumpkin puree, and evaporated milk. Whisk this wet mix into the dry ingredients until homogenous. If you have the time, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it refrigerate overnight, this really helps build the flavor.
Lightly grease a 9" pie pan, and make sure it's relatively deep (1 1/2"). Roll the dough out to a ~13" diameter circle and transfer to the pan. To do this most effectively, I try to roll the crust back up over the rolling pin, lift it up, and place it down onto the dish and then unroll it. Crimp the edges above the rim, this pie filling will rise quite a bit. This is also where you can use extra pie dough to cut out decorative shapes to add to the pie, I used an egg wash to help stick them to the crust. Once done, refrigerate the crust while preheating the oven to 400°F.
Once the oven is preheated (I HIGHLY recommend waiting longer than when the oven tells you it's done, or use a separate oven thermometer. Making sure the temperature is accurate is very important!) Place the pie pan on a baking sheet, and then pour the filling into the pie crust.
Bake for 45-50 minutes, until the filling is set 2" in from the edge. THE CENTER WILL STILL BE WIGGLY AND WILL LOOK UNCOOKED. This is normal, and if you wait until it's set all the way through it will overbake and crack. You want the center temperature to be ~175°F. Make sure to check regularly to see if the crust is getting to brown, and if it is then just cover the edges with tinfoil and pop it back in the oven.
Once done, remove from the oven and let cool at room temp, and then refrigerate.