6oz0% greek yogurt, plain (or flavored if you prefer)
3/4cupmilk of your choice
3tbspunsweetened cocoa powder
1tbspcreamy peanut butter
1packet of sweetener (Splenda, Truvia, etc. - optional)
chocolate syrup to drizzle, optional
Add all the ingredients to a powerful blender, and blend on high until smooth. You may want to start with only 2 tbsp of cocoa powder and taste, and then add one more if you want a stronger chocolate flavor. The same goes for the sweetener, I found that I needed to add a little more sweetness than just the honey, but you may not. What yogurt and milk you use will also make a big difference in the overall sweetness.
If you'd like, drizzle chocolate syrup along the inside of your glass before pouring in the smoothie. Serve immediately.