Figs have been everywhere this season and I’ve been dying to use them in a recipe! This classic fig tart consists of a few simple ingredients and about a whole Costco box’s worth of figs It’s incredibly delicious and full of flavor. The tart definitely looks harder to make than it actually is, but is sure to impress all your friends and family. Does anyone else here love figs??

Fig Tart
- 2 2/3 cups all-purpose flour (315g)
- 3/4 cup unsalted butter, room temp (168g)
- 1 cup powdered sugar (112g)
- 1/3 cup almond flour (39g)
- 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp fine sea salt
Tart Filling
- 18 oz fresh figs (500g)
- 1/2 cup fig jam (150g)
- 5 tbsp unsalted butter, room temp (70g)
- 3/4 cup powdered sugar (70g)
- 2/3 cup almond flour (70g)
- 1 tbsp dark rum
- 1 tsp all-purpose flour
- 3/4 tsp cornstarch
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp almond extract
- 1/4 tsp fine sea salt
- To make the crust, cream the butter and salt together in the bowl of a stand mixer on medium speed for 1 minute, scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary. Add the powdered sugar and mix together on low speed until combined. Add the almond flour and vanilla and mix together at low speed as well. Scrape down the sides and keep mixing until evenly combined.
- Lightly beat the egg in a small bowl and slowly add it to the dough mix along with 1/2 cup of the all-purpose flour (55g). Mix on low speed just until incorporated. Slowly add the rest of the flour and mix just until everything comes together, you want to be careful not to over mix the dough. Again, scrape down the sides as necessary to make sure everything is evenly mixed. Once done, separate the dough into two even portions and gently press them out into 1/2" thick rectangles. Wrap them tightly in plastic wrap and chill one of them for at least 4 hours or up to overnight, and the other can be frozen for later use, as each one is enough for one tart crust.
- When the crust has adequately chilled, very lightly butter a 9" tart pan with a removeable bottom. Lightly flour your countertop and then roll out the dough to a 10"-11" circle; it should be about 14" thick. Dust the dough and work surface as needed to keep things from sticking. Carefully roll the dough onto the rolling pin to help transfer it to the tart pan. Once over the pan, carefully ease the crust down into the pan, taking care not to tear it as you work it down into the corners of the pan. With a sharp knife trim the excess dough off the top edge of the pan. Chill for at least 1 hour.
- Preheat the oven to 325°F. In a medium bowl, sift together the almond flour, all-purpose flour, powdered sugar, and cornstarch, and set aside. In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat together the butter, salt, and vanilla and almond extracts for about 1 minute on medium speed, scraping down the sides as necessary. Add the sifted flour mix and mix on medium speed for 1 minute. In a small bowl, lightly beat the egg and then slowly add it to the stand mixer along with the rum and beat on medium speed until everything is incorporated.
- Once the tart shell has chilled enough, remove from the fridge and using a fork poke holes in the crust all over the bottom, about 1" apart. Place the tart pan onto a rimmed baking sheet, and using a rubber spatula scrape the tart filling into the tart and spread evenly.
- Bake at 325°F for 35-40 minutes, until the crust and filling are golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean. Remove from the oven and let cool for at least 40 minutes on a wire rack. Once cool, spread the fig jam all over the surface of the tart. Cut off the stems of the figs and slice into quarters (or sixths/eights if they're larger). Arrange the figs in circles starting from the outside in, with the stem facing the middle. Serve immediately or refrigerate for later.
- Enjoy!